26 June 2022
Preacher: Ryan Maxson
Luke lays out what a Spirit Led Church looks like!  It is marked by 6 distinctive, the locations its practises them and the attitudes that flow from practising them.  The…
19 June 2022
Preacher: Ryan Maxson
In two not so seeker friendly, back to back sermons Peter unapologetically lays out the same gospel message to two different groups of people… which ever camp we are in…
5 June 2022
Preacher: Ryan Maxson
While waiting for God there are always two things that can be done!  The first is always Prayer, the second is implementing what is written in His Word.
29 May 2022
Preacher: Ryan Maxson
While the first followers of Jesus waited on God for His power, they learned three things.  First God’s power is for His Kingdom not theirs, second they could not accomplish…